A busy week

Well, this week turned out to be busier than most, and has been a reminder that even the best laid plans etc…

First off, during last week, we concieved and created a sort tribute the the reddit crew challenging the stock trading establishment, and who has made some headlines worldwide. That song – Monke Do – was written, recorded, mixed, mastered, submitted to our distributor and uploaded to YouTube in just 6 days, a new record for us. In total, we did 12 versions of it (it’s #12 that’s been published), also a new record.

Right, so on Monday of this week, it appeared in all the digital stores too, also a new record, and we had to take care of it and give it some lovin etc – the kind of stuff you do when new music drops.

And on Friday, in synch with our release plan for 2021, our newest song – The Stage – was realeased in every digital outlet. This song too had to get some loving. It is doing well, and you should probably listen to it. Just follow the links above, and enjoy!

Let us know if you have any questions. You will find us on our web site, and of course on the usual social media platforms:

Rock on!

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